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...and on this page, you can see how we spend time with our friends and family at the Fry River Camp.


Vic and Kathy at the River Camp, June, 2001

At the River Camp

Jen, Carol and Mona on the deck of the Fry river camp.

Vic parties on the deck of the River Camp

Vic parties on the River Camp deck.

The whole gang by the camp fire at the Cinco de Mayo party

The whole gang poses by the camp fire at the Cinco de Mayo party.


Vic and Tim show off their hats... the poor woman's answer to Indiana Jones or Colby from Survivor!


Vic & Steve relax on the deck at Jeff's birthday party, April, 2000


Here's the gang at the river cottage on Vic's birthday, 2000

Kathy on the River Camp deck

Kathy enjoys the peace and serenity at the river camp.

Tim leaps over the flames

Tim leaps over the flames -- can you say "too many Margaritas?"


Jeff with Jenn on his birthday, 2000


David and Jennifer, King and Queen of Milford's Prom, 5/20/00 -- same night as our wedding. What a party THAT was!