Me with Grandma Langford, 1952

Mother, Ruby, Frances, Grandma Langford and me, 1954

Me and my Daddy

Aunt Janice, Grandma and Grandpa Langford at my first birthday dinner.

Me in my cowboy outfit.

Me, Uncle B. Langford, Grandma Langford, Julie Wilson and Grandpa Langford. This was the last picture ever taken of Grandma,
about a week before she died in July, 1966 of cancer. I adored my grandma and it took me YEARS to get over losing her.

My prom, Class of 1970, with Fred Fricker... my first boyfriend!

Baby Jennifer, Aunt Mary (Langford) Wright, Lucille Fry and Mona from the back, at the Langford Reunion, summer, 1982 in Somerset,

Me and Daddy

Ruby, Grandma and me

Me and my Mommy... (I'm in the rose dress in this one, too!)

I still have this teddy bear.

Grandma Langford, Mother and me

Me and Grandpa Allen A. Fry (believe it or not, I remember this dress, it had roses on it!)

Me with Ikey and Penny... my first pets, believe it or not, they were dogs and the only ones I've ever owned. I didn't know
at first that Ikey was a dog, I thought he was a kitty and his name came from me calling him "Hi Kitty" and it sounded
like "Ikey". Everyone thought we named him after Eisenhower, but we didn't!

Reading with Aunt Janice, my youngest aunt, 13 years older than me. Later, I nicknamed her "Ecinaj" (Janice backwards)
and I still call her that.

Baby Jim's first feeding

Kathy with baby Jim, Sept, 1973

Daddy, Mother and Holly Sue

Mother and Baby Jim