Here is Patches on her very first night here in her new home!

Patches was born in about March or April of 2000 and came to us in June of 2000 (right after we were married) from some
friends of Vic's in Northern Kentucky. They were at their wit's end. She was the last in the litter and everyone
else had homes. They had tried giving her to one couple, but had had her returned when the couple's child had been mean
to her. Patches had a real chip on her shoulder and wouldn't go to anyone! They were ready to reluctantly take
her to the pound. Then Vic showed up. Patches jumped up on his lap, looked him over, mewed once and curled up
and went to sleep. It is safe to say that Patches adopted Vic and NOT the other way around!

Patches was very affectionate as a young cat. So affectionate that I often had trouble sleeping. After her
ritual "lovies" with Vic every night, she would move over to me and lick my arms, knead my chin and generally nudge me with
her cold little kitty nose till I would be beside myself! There were a few nights where Patches had to sleep in a cat
carrier in the next room. Then we had a phase where Patches bonded totally with Vic and seemed to consider me the "interloper."
If, for instance, she was sitting on Vic's chest, purring at him when he first went to bed and I would walk into the room,
she would take off in a huff. Lately, she's back being affectionate with me again and I've had to start wearing pajamas
with sleeves because it's so hard to sleep with her licking my arms. She especially likes licking my elbows! Go

As you can see, Patches loved to be wherever Vic was, even behind him in his chair!

Patches' health has not been great -- our current Vet jokes that maybe we got her from Three Mile Island. She had
a tumor on her side (the original vet. clinic eventually admitted that it was caused by her injections), and she has had surgery
on a tumor in her left ear twice. We have no assurance that it won't grow back again. Here is Patches huddled
with Vic the night of her first ear tumor surgery. It was all so stressful for them both that they had to go straight
to bed when she got home from the doctor's office.

There's nothing Patches loves more than a nice nap on her dad's lap!
