Ingredients: 6-8 strips of bacon 1/2 medium Green Pepper, diced 1/2 medium Onion, chopped 1 15 oz. Can
of Tomato Sauce 8 oz. of Swiss Cheese grated or in Julienne strips 8-9 oz. of Spaghetti or Linquine

I strongly recommend the new varieties of fresh pasta for this dish -- not only does it cook up quicker than other pastas
you can purchase, it is very good and tasty. Of course, you can always make your own pasta if you feel very adventurous and
I will eventually be featuring my home made noodles on this site to help you with that.

Fry bacon till crisp. Then remove from skillet and drain off all but about a tablespoon of the drippings.

While bacon is frying and spaghetti is boiling, chop onion and green pepper.

Saute in the onion and green pepper in the remaining tablespoon of bacon grease. Stir occasionally to keep from scorching.

Stir in the tomato sauce once the vegetables are tender -- the onions will be somewhat translucent when they are done enough.
Add salt and pepper and simmer.

When pasta is done, drain, rinse and then stir into the sauce in the skillet and allow to simmer about 10 minutes.

Slice the swiss cheese into strips.

Separate cheese strips.

Scatter cheese on top of pasta.

Crumble bacon and sprinkle on top of the pasta and cheese.

Scatter the crumbled bacon on top.
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