Pulverize the graham crackers in a food processor, blender or in a plastic bag with a rolling pin. This is easy, however
you do it. Once you turn them into crumbs, simply dump them into your pie pan.

Stir the crumbs and the sugar up together in the pan and then dump in the melted butter. Stir it till it's all mixed together.

Once the crumbs are all moistened, press them gently into place. You don't want to press them in too firmly, or they bake
into a rock! It's okay if they're a little "loose" -- the crust will be delicious and I guarantee that someone
you feed it to will say "you know these little crumbs are the best part!" no matter what you fill it with!
Here's your finished graham cracker crumb crust! It's a snap, never fails and even a 10 year old child could make this!

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